Department of Helminthology, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University 420/6 Rajavithi Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
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Хромосомы и C-районы в хромосомах у Opisthorchis viverrini
Хромосомы O. viverrini изучали после высушивания, методикой С-зондирования. Диплоидный набор хромосом составил 2n=12, гаплоидный набор n=6. Гаплоидный набор включал в себя: один крупный метацентрик, один средний метацентрик, один маленький метацентрик, один маленький субметацентрик или субтелоцентрик, один небольшой субтелоцентрик или акроцентрик и один маленький акроцентрик. Относительные размеры хромосом составляли: 32,02+2,52; 23,28+1,98; 15,24+3,40; 13,39+3,11; 10,18+1,56 и 5,82+0,59%, соответственно. После С-зондирования в двух небольших хромосомах был выявлен конститутивный гетерохроматин.
Chromosome of Opisthorchis viverrini was observed by air-drying and C-banding techniques. The chromosome number was 2n=12 and n=6 consisting of one large-sized metacentric, one medium-sized metacentric, one small-sized metacentric, one small-sized submetacentric or subtelocentric. one small-sized subtelocentric or acrocentric and one small-sized acrocentric. The relative lengths of the chromosomes were 32.02 ± 2.52. 23.28 ± 1,98, 15.24 ± 3.40. 13.39 ±3.11. 10.18 ± 1.56 and 5.82 ± 0.59 % respectively. After C-banding treatment, two of the small-sized chromosomes showed a remarkable constitutive hetcrochroma-tin.
The liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini has been recognized as the only species of harmful parasite being associated definitively with human cancer (cholangiocarcinoma) in Thailand. Many aspects of this parasite have been studied, while its chro¬mosomes have not yet been investigated. A small number of reports have been available in the litera¬ture and there have been a few studies on the chromo¬some of genus Opisthorchis. Jha (1975) reported that the chromosome of 0. felineus was 2n= 16, n=8 and 0. i;et-minus was 2n=18. n= 9. Cho (1978) also reported that the chromosome number of Clononhis sinensis (Opisthorchis sinensis) was 2n= 14. n=7. This paper aimed to check and demon¬strate the chromosome of 0. viverrini using con¬ventional Giernsa staining as well as C-banding methods.
Specimen preparation
Cyprinoid fishes, known to be the intermedi¬ate host of 0. viverrini were collected from a large swamp in the Chonabot district. Khon Kaen Province. northeast Thailand. The metacercariae of 0. viverrini were obtained from these fishes. After oral inoculation of metacercariae, 40-50 days later. adult specimens were recovered from the livers of golden hamsters.
Chromosome preparation
The Terasaki (1977) air-drying technique was modified and used lor chromosome preparation. Live specimens were put into a colchicine-salt solution (0.005% w/v colchicine in 0.859r sodium chloride solution) for three hours at 37oC. One ovary and two testes per adult fluke were taken out with a micropin under a dissecting microscope. Then each of the ovaries and testes was put on a glass slide with a few drops of 0.6% sodium citrate solution, and was broken with a micropin under a dissecting microscope. Germ cells were spread out on the glass slide and were kept at room temperature for thirty minutes. Then these glass slides were put into a moisture box which contained Carnoy solution (methyl alcohol 1: acetic acid 1). After thirty min¬utes, Carnoy solution was put onto the glass slides with a pipette and five minutes later the solution was shed and blown dry. All slides were stained with 4% Giemsa solution pH 6.8 for thirty minutes at room temperature before conventional investiga¬tion.
C-banding technique
Chromosome banding of 0. viverrini was per¬formed by the Hirai (1985) method with a little modification. Dried chromosome preparations were left in a 37°C incubator for at least 1 week and then treated directly with 5% barium hydroxide solution for 10 minutes, followed by 2SSC (Standard saline-citrate) solution for 60 minutes. Both treatments were set at 60^C. Slides were stained with 4% Giemsa solution pH 6.8 for 90 minutes at room tempera¬ture. All preparations were then used for microscopic observation.
In the metaphase figures of germ cells of 0. viverrini, the chromosome number was 2n=12, n=6 and divided into three groups (large, medium and small) according to their size. Based on chromosome nomenclature recommended by Levan et al (1964), they consisted of one large-sized metacentric, one me¬dium-sized metacentric, one small-sized metacentric, one small-sized submetacentric or subtelocentric, one small-sized subtelocentric or acrocentric and one small-sized acrocentric. On the basis of 27 metaphase figures, the relative length of each chro¬mosome was calculated. After C-banding treatment, two of the small-sized chromosomes of 0. viverrini showed a remarkable con¬stitutive heterochromatin.
Jha (1975) studied the chromo¬some numbers of liver flukes from sectioned materials in India and found that the chromosome numbers of 0. felineus and 0. germinus were 2n = 16, n = 8 and 2n =18, n = 9 respectively. Cho et al (1978) also reported that the chromosome number of C. sinensis in Japan was 2n =14, n =7. Ilyinskikh (1982) found that the chromosome number of 0. felineus in Siberia was 2n =14, n =7. The present study revealed that the chro¬mosome number of 0. viverrini in Thailand was 2n =12, n = 6, which was remarkably different from 0. felineus, 0. germinus and C. sinensis.
C sinensis, 0. felineus and 0. viverrini have been known to be the causative agents of liver fluke infection in a number of countries. 0. viverrini, has been found to be the only species of liver fluke infection in Thailand (Maleewong et al, 1992; Radomyos et al, 1994; 1998) while C. sinensis is prevalent in China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and North Vietnam (Choi, 1984; Cross, 1984; Chen et al, 1997). 0. felineus used to be prevalent in Central and Eastern Europe and Siberia, especially in Germany and Poland (Beaver et al, 1984); currently this fluke is still endemic in Germany, Siberia and the Ukraine (Hinz, 1991; Hering-Hagenbeck et al, 1996;Loktieva,1997). 0. viverrini and 0. felineus are closely related species in terms of morphology of the adult flukes except that they are a little different in the shape of the testes and vitellaria, while both species are markedly different from C. sinensis (Beaver et al, 1984). The morphological characteristics of eggs and metacercariae of the three species are similar and difficult to differentiate from each other. Therefore, it is considered that the significant differences of chromosome numbers among 0. viverrini, 0. felineus, and C. sinensis may reflect genetic distinctions of the respective parasite groups, geo¬graphic distances and their biological differences. The finding may be used for identification and taxonomic purposes, especially in distinguishing between 0. felineus and 0. viverrini.
C-banding pattern has been used to study sev¬eral aspects of closely related parasites and primates (Hirai et al, 1985; Zhao et al, 1989; Tan and Li 1990; Pieczarka et al. 1998). The present study re¬vealed that C-band formation in the chromosome of 0. viverrini was only seen in two of the small-sized chromosomes. Up to the present time, there have been no reports concerning this aspect in other species of Opisthorchis and Clonorchis. This paper is the first report of demonstrated C-banding in the chromomsome of 0. viverrini. Further study should emphasize phylogeny among the three species of liver flukes from different localities using biochemical and molecular analysis.
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