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Автор Шудин В.В.   
09.02.2011 г.

Эта статья опубликована сборнике научных трудов "Проблемы и перспективы современной науки" с материалами Четвертой Международной Телеконференции "Фундаментальные науки и практика" - Том 3 - №1. - Томск - 2011.


Первое толкование расшифрованной эндемии детского диабета

Истоки тенденций роста числа некоторых неинфекционных заболеваний человека ещё не названы сегодня наукой с исчерпывающей полнотой, что сказывается на безуспешности профилактики и на эпидемическом распространении. Особенно тревожит ситуация с сахарным диабетом, которым поражены ныне 300 миллионов человек во всем мире.
На основании многочисленных научных данных и глобального авторского анализа эпидемических ситуаций выявлено мультипатогенное влияние экологического антропогенного загрязнения окружающей среды и пищи, главным образом, никелем, чрезмерное насыщение организма соединениями которого названо автором одним из основных истоков глобального токсикоза, проявляющегося эпидемически распространенной гиперчувствительностью на этот 28-й химический элемент, что характерно также для эндемии детского диабета, подробное толкование которой дано автором впервые в мире. Высказанные аргументы и доказательства являются основой новой научной концепции. Новинка биологии и медицины раскрывает природу эволюционных процессов в далеком прошлом Земли и позволяет сделать первые шаги по предупреждению опасных болезней, угрожающих вымиранию человечества, которому грозит участь динозавров, участь, впервые расшифрованная автором новой гипотезы.

Scientist did not find yet yesterday to explanation by tendencies of increase frequency of some destructive illness. For example, what provokes to children diabetes in global area? The author of this article leaved out for a global increase a heredity and infection. The children diabetes declared today as autoimmune pathology [1]. The autoimmune reactions in these cases are possible by mutagenic and toxic agents. Which is it? Biologists have noticed for a long time that ugly forms of plants meet in regions where the raised concentration of nickel has found in a ground. Keratitis, cataracts and deformation of joints and hoofs has observed at animals in such provinces. It was been noticed in South Ural and in other regions with a relict or volcanic soil [2].
This fact has a direct relation with sugar diabetes. Author of paper will study the causes of this disease.

1. Search an origin of autoallergy in pancreas
We find by method of exclusion the most probablest of all claimants on a role of a diabetes trigger from cadmium, lead, mercury, vanadium, nickel, aluminum etc. The leader will be divulged by us a nickel only.
Today it is finally established, that diabetes of type I has autoallergic character. Though in a course there is term «autoimmunity», the author of an article is compelled to refuse such term because of absence in it of logic sense.
What to give a start of immune reaction?
The nickel accumulation in the pancreas known 100 years. This metal is present in a blood permanently. If today's 10-25% population is as nickel sensitive, which affects at first a skin or vasculars? Certainly – in the vasculars! [3, 4].
Therefore, nickel vasculites and arteriosclerosis will be arisen by immune reactions that give high prevalence of cordial pathology in Finland.
Doctor from Canada Josef J. Krop is nearby with a right solution. He wrote: «Environmental medicine treats those recently arisen illnesses caused by the contamination of air, water, and soil, and by food that is depleted of nutrients and contaminated by toxic additives. These new illnesses, such as Sick Building Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, have also come about through unhealthy workplaces and home environments. Well-known illnesses, such as cancer, asthma, diabetes and autoimmune disorders have increased to epidemic levels for the same reasons…
We can understand the causes and we can respond intelligently to treat and prevent illness. How totally human health is dependent upon human behavior, nutritional choices, and anthropogenic environmental changes can be learned from the research in medical anthropology, which traces the origin and history of disease. This research has shown that this interdependent process can be traced back all the way into the Paleolithic. Our current problems with cancer and chronic disease caused by the sudden proliferation of toxic chemicals, but is the latest dramatic chapter in a long history» [5].
But we read often only: "Nickel in the diet of a nickel-sensitive person can provoke dermatitis" [6, 7]. We repeat: the nickel accumulation in pancreas known 100 years [8]. Let us do conclusions! Allergic influence origins first of all in places with an accumulation of toxic metal. Most authors talk very long time ago about an influence of a nickel [9-11]. Therefore, all global problems are today. Professor-dermatologist from Toronto Howard Donsky wrote yet 22 years ago with an obvious irony:
"Don't go nickel nuts. Some European dermatologists are advising nickel-sensitive patients to watch what they eat. Having observed that nickel dermatitis can occur without any apparent contact with the metal, these doctors are telling folks to avoid apricots, chocolate, coffee, beer, tea, nuts and other foods high in nickel.
While intriguing, the "nickel-nut" theory hasn't garnered a great following on this side of the Atlantic. The jury's still out on foods high in nickel causing a reaction. But if you're highly sensitive to nickel, there might be some validity to it" [12].
Giving to a big nickel role in our health, WHO issued a book "Environmental Health Criteria #108" from which it reproduces appropriate following summary.
"Evaluates close to 900 studies in an effort to determine the role of various nickel compounds as environmental hazards and causes of human diseases, including cancer. A special effort is made to determine the specific exposure levels for nickel and nickel compounds that pose a threat to the environment, the general public, and workers exposed to nickel-containing dusts and fumes.
A section on sources of exposure evaluates both natural and man-made releases into the environment, offering especially detailed information on emissions associated with the nickel industry, the combustion of fossil fuels, and the incineration of sewage sludge and waste. Exposure of the general population is noted to occur via inhaled air, ingestion of food and drinking-water, and dermal contact, particularly with jewellery and coins.
Because most health hazards associated with occupational exposure have resulted from inhalation, a section devoted to kinetics and metabolism concentrates on mechanisms of deposition, retention, and clearance of nickel from the human respiratory tract. The most extensive section reviews the large body of data from experimental studies of the effects of short- and long-term exposures on the respiratory tract, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, immune system, skin and eye. Tests for mutagenicity, embryotoxicity, teratogenicity, and carcinogenicity are also critically reviewed, with particular attention given to possible mechanisms of nickel carcinogenicity. The final section assesses effects on the human respiratory system, kidney, cardiovascular system, skin and eye. Evaluation of the potential for carcinogenicity draws upon increased rates of nasal and lung cancer reported in several epidemiological studies of exposed workers. These studies provide evidence that inhalation of nickel dust and some soluble and insoluble nickel salts carries a risk of carcinogenicity" [13]. Our readers can see analogical information also in other document [14].
The most pointed situation of all from these data is information about sugar diabetes, which we analyse.

2. Let us detected a pathogenic mechanism
Which consequences are from a contact with nickel micro doses of crockery or adornments? – It is dermatitis: rash, blisters and eczema. Such symptoms are usual for a dry skin, but the pancreas is least protecting.
The autoallergic mechanism of pancreas sugar illness was studied by many authors, but finally result had lacking [15].
Two ways are possible for allergic reactions in pancreas by nickel hypersensitivity:
1.    against a nickel presence in pancreas albumens;
2.    against albumens modified by nickel.
The insulin-producing beta-cells and also insulin are damaged by immune system as a rule totally.
Ukrainian diabetologists impart to information, that immune reactions cease not after a full destruction of beta-cells. «At last one can assume  that «subsidence» of the autoimmune reaction in the pancreas registered using the determination of C-peptide and autoantibodies against islet cells reflects only the process of β-cells and stopping of the insulin secretion when the complex of immune reactions of other direction can be prolonged or even progressed after the death of great bulk of insulin producing cells» [16].
Ukrainian diabetologists wrote about diabetes-1 causes on the whole. As well, it is also for other authors [17, 18]. Consequently, the pathogenic agent continues to work today. Therefore, it needs an indicator for a test an allergic inflammation place.

3. Unique complex of a dangerous quality of nickel
A nickel attributed to the first group of carcinogens. We will name other properties of a metal; can already not latently, but stormily to show up at an excessive accumulation in an organism.
Following information has proposed in Internet chapter «Health and Environment:
«Investigation into the toxicological effects of nickel salts on animals was first reported in 1826. Since that time, numerous reports and papers have been generated on the human health and environmental effects of nickel. The reported effects of nickel and its compounds on humans are wide ranging, comprising effects that are both beneficial - the probable essentiality of nickel in humans - as well as harmful - skin allergy and, in certain circumstances, respiratory cancer. Although nickel has been studied extensively, there is still much to be learned about this ubiquitous metal. Given the importance of nickel to industrialized societies, a guide to evaluating workplace exposures has long been needed. The first edition of such a guide was prepared in 1993 by the Nickel Producers Environmental Research Association (NiPERA) in collaboration with the Nickel Development Institute (NiDI). Additional assistance for the first edition was provided by the Radian Corporation. This second edition of that guide reflects the evolving nature of the knowledge about the health concerns associated with working with nickel and its compounds» [19].
From Sweden about sensitivity, it wrote in some journals: «Contact allergy to nickel was reported by 9 per cent of 12-year-old girls» [20].
Generally, it known, that a nickel possesses a cell-, embryo-toxigenic, mutagenic and allergic influence, he can transform the albumens of cells doing their foreign.
The author of these lines asserts that an allergy on a nickel arises up at a gradual and protracted metal accumulation in the organism. Metal disorders the functions of those organs where he accumulates. That such feature is characteristic for a pancreas, it known more than one hundred years [8]. A local accumulation results in the shattering autoimmune (more precisely auto-allergic) attacks with death of insulin produced organ.
Immune reactions at pancreatitis were known. Helicobacter pylori is accused by researches too. Ukrainian professor Gubergrits N.B. wrote: "The frequency of Helicobacter pylori infection in pancreatitis patients is 86,5%, but in good health's – 66,7%" [21]. This problem study at 10 years  [22, 23]. Thus, our idea about the Helicobacter pylori presence in pancreas and participation of urease in damage of beta-cells confirmed by science study in Ukraine. It belongs to as part of 33 arguments of a sugar diabetes origin called as Shudin's phenomenon.
Nickel as destructor of Langergans islets is co-factor for urease produced by Helicobacter pylori. This new science topic was described by me in Russian book " Diabetes Causes Found!" as toxico-metabolical sources of diabetes-2 [24]. The new idea requires to banns. It is yet one news. The breast of mammals accumulates to nickel with albumen fractions, which is an originator of cancer. Therefore, the oncologists suppose: number of breast cancer patients in Ukraine enlarges by 2010-year more than 1 million women [25].
The allergy on a nickel (or toxicosis) got now epidemic distribution with a scope from 10 to 25% of population of the industrially developed countries. The studies of nickel in human milk gave disconsolate results [26]. However about global nickeliose reports are not present, because it "does not be of significance".
The opinion of American school of allergology, registered to skin displays only, does not coincide with conception of author of these lines. The illness of cerebrum, lights (asthma and obstructive bronchitis), marrow (leucosis and anaemia) and other inform about new places of nickel concentration or about an auto-allergic inflammation.
The nickel results in death of embryo, penetrating through a placenta or with milk of mother, results in innate diseases, also to early child's death rate [27]. We suspect the insidious metal of progress of suckling gland cancer... The albuminous food genetically changed by a nickel deserves separate research, as a long ago it is noticed about a diabetogenic role of cow's and especially goat's milk. About it is much papers, also of a nickel in drinking water and in food [28, 29].
"The dietary intake of nickel in a Canadian study ranged from 0,19 mg/day for 1- to 4- year-old children to 0,406 mg/day for 20- to 39-year-old males… Nickel is also eliminated in the milk of lactating woman. In studies reported in the USA, the nickel concentration in milk was in the region of 15μg/kg (EU, 2004)" [4].
The search to topic "Nickel in cow's milk" is very much necessary for Finland, but it is need since 1986 year [29]. Diabetologists from Finland accuse often to dry milk blends in a children diabetes origin. Why? Our answer is simple: nickel in cow's milk and albumen modified by nickel also in margarine. Such expected result is in this paper, which confirms 32 years ago [28]. There is a high level of milk cattle-breeding and high level of nickel in environment.
The sources of allergy by cooks came about as a casual incident. An anchorman of bio-elementology of Russia is professor Skalny AV (2004). He wrote in the book, that it originates from a contact with the nickel-plated tableware. However, we know that cooks use aluminum tanks (crockery) mainly. More than it corrects to say following: tasting and breathing in fumes at a hot flag at the use of the culinary, pastry and bakeried hydrogenated fats gradually brings an organism over of cooks to system hypersensitivity [2].
Paradoxically, those contradictory opinions speak out many decades (since 50 years) about properties of the 28th chemical element [30]. But, it does not imply the effect of gormesis, that is why a microelement included unjustified in some drugs and vitamin complexes producible mainly in the USA. Such false arguments scatter in ashes under pressure of simple fact: palms on the Hawaiian Islands give empty nuts from high maintenance of nickel in volcanic soil. The disease of palms  called “Boeing”. Although the newest information about aetiology of sugar diabetes became accessible from 2004 y., it did not get wide publicity, and quite fresh utterances discourage sometimes. We will bring one sad certificate over.
Quite recently professor of biochemistry of the Harvard university (former citizen of the USSR, a laureate of State-premium of the USSR in 1984th year) of Dr. Klyosov A.A. exclaimed not scientific being distant from truth, but, justly criticizing in the American medical newspaper and in the Internet of other immigrant-professor of medicine Sosonkin I.E. (from Brooklyn): «Hurrah! The Nickel is in a chocolate!» [30] We recommend read for this bio-chemist a books issued in USSR and in USA [32, 33].
Scientists detect often in bone remains of dinosaurs traces of tumors. It is a weighty argument for this new conception. Concluding this short information of nickel pathogenically influence at it excessive entrance in our organism, we report that we try some counteractions, concealing and even an intentional lie.
Thus, the nickel is mutagenic, carcinogenic, cyto- immune- and –embryo-toxic, allergogenic metal by an excessive accumulation in our organism [34].

4. Evolutional influence of nickel

We talk today about a dependence our health from an environment. The show of such dependence displayed in very ancient times. The bulking flora and fauna of Planet soak up hard metals including nickel trusted out by volcanoes from bosom. We mark a monstrosity of lives forms from Mesozoi (dinosaurs etc). The abnormal animals dying out from a bad ecology: mutagenic and carcinogenic influence of a nickel as the first of all. It is confirmed by a unique eggs-laying mammals Duck-bill.
The today's increase a burning of organic fuel and great fires of mineral oil on Persian gulf bring us much problems with an ecology and with health, including cases with monstrosity our children.
According to data of WHO, 5-8% newborns appear with defects and 2% newborns die up [35]. Doctor Selivanova EA informs that 1,5 million patients are with innate defects. But, global mutagen nickel mention not in her new 544-pages book. It is explanatory because our less or huge new medical truth ignorance. Author of this paper assured: anthropogenic little ecologic model of Paleocene relapses! This author's conception explains at the first time today the monstrosity and multi forms of all on volcanic isles and geochemical provinces. The relict egg-putting mammals: Duck Bill and Echidna retained themselves from Mesozoi «say» about a truth of our conception and hypothesis.

5. Food factor.  Anthropogenic evident and latent global toxicosis –
dangerous signal for all
Scientists of Saskatchewan University inform that Canadian aboriginal peoples had not sugar diabetes in 1937 year, but over 20% them affected by diabetes in 2006. It is epidemic in Saskatchewan region. Thus, the scientists must look for sources of sugar diabetes in today's food factor. The food factor is also a general for Nauru Republic. In it, the first help will be rendered by decoded children diabetes endemia.
Inasmuch as Finland, potato Prince Edward Island and Wales are leaders with children diabetes. Ecological source of this disease is significant news of biology and medicine.
Many authors refer on bad ecology today [5, 36].
The general way of nickel global spraying is a burn out of a hard and fluid organic fuel [37]. It confirms the coal ashes by high contents of a nickel. While similar exclamations are heard, we will meet in everyday life and science such concepts, as «unclear tendencies», «difficult patient» et cetera.
Many authors spoke out about influence of ecological factors on the origin of sugar diabetes in a hypothetical plan [38, 39], but concrete proofs are adopted only the author of these lines [40].
The tendencies of growth of some diseases talk about the global falling of immunity for people and about outspent of adaptable possibilities of organism which does not have time to adapt to the quickly flowing process of ecological contamination. Read details in description of scientific hypothesis, short published in endocrinological journal [40], where a new theory is offered about the extinction of dinosaurs, as an author proves the evolutional affecting of ferromagnetic metal to the living World of Earth. A new scientific hypothesis accepted for registration to the Ukrainian (Dnepropetrovsk) and International (Moscow) Associations of authors of the scientific discoveries. Indirect confirmation of new conception contained in the results of researches of veterinary specialists [41]. How possibly, that now was there a small ecological model of Paleocene signaling about the threat of extinction of humanity?
The leading Ukrainian diabetologists wrote: «The large value in aetiology of Sugar Diabetes-1 is given also to the geochemical location of region, national way of life and factors of feed (Green etc., 2001; Patterson etc., 2001). The influence of the early stopping of suckling of children and transition on an artificial feed is especially examined» [16].
The ugly forms of plants meet on South Ural and in other geochemical provinces, where the increased concentration of nickel determined in soil. Local herbivorous animals fall by cataract, keratitis, anaemia and other illness from nickel intoxication and giving to the premature loss of cattle. Why the problem found not a decision? An answer is simple: the global ignorance. Here are facts. The new look to aetiology of destructive diseases is darkened strange counteraction. Why did it happen? The answer is simple: an utter-most low knowledge came to light even among the highly titled specialists about properties of a named microelement. So, scientific consultant of the Moscow «Medical newspaper» professor Artamonov R.G. declared to author of these lines, that through a central newspaper - it is not needed to propagandize such knowledge’s, because it is a blank.
We will cite a quotation from a note «Allergy on a metal». Main child allergologist-immunologist of Health Ministry of Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Revyakina V.A. reported about the more frequent cases of contact allergy on a nickel: "This phenomenon is called "Contact Dermatitis", it often develops on metals and possibly on some other components of alloys about which while unknown us. This phenomenon is not such rare – the much patients which suffer to allergy after procedure of piercing from all these rings, buckles etc. The irritation of skin arises up on the places of rivets of jeans, from buckles - all of them are able to cause enough strong dermatitis" [42]. So, one of leading medical specialists of Russia expressed a disturbance and uncertainty, because reason of this "phenomenon" remained a scientific secret before to the newspaper and magazine publications of author of these lines. It is clear from the utterance of immunologist, that the problem of nickel toxicosis exists in megapolise, that uncertainty of professor is explained scientific null information about aetiology and prevalence of such toxicosis. It is a very model fact, giving sad conclusions about problems, related to the health of people. Why has the discourse about megapolise? The answer is simple: we suffer from a soiling of ecological toxicant and from a nickel addition in our food. The number of burned organic fuel is increased every minute everywhere. But, another most dangerous source of receipt to toxic metal in our organism is today. We are satiated a nickel by margarine products [40]. Not by chance, the 1933rd is year of wide-spread hydrogenization of fats. The allergy on a nickel began to register from 1933rd! [43]. In the USSR the first margarine factory was built and put in an operation in this period in Moscow through by at that time friendly Germany.
But, the multitude of nickel sources is known already in 1955 year [44].
We propose to read following global information about consequences. «Nickel contact allergy has been widely studied. Several studies have evaluated nickel allergy in the general population. One such study of 2,500 females in a Danish general population found nickel sensitivity in 14.5% of that population; an evaluation of 1,546 Danish female twins reported a prevalence of 9.6% . In two studies of nickel allergy in the general population, 0.8%  to 0.9%  of men were patch test positive whereas 8.0% and 9.0% of women were patch test positive (980 and 1,159 subjects, respectively).
Prevalence rates of nickel allergy are higher in patch-test populations. The percentage of patch-tested, patients that reacted to nickel ranged from 4.5% among 2,285 Japanese patients to 16% of 1,312 Scottish patients. When the data are analysed by gender, nickel caused positive reactions in 1.8% of men in a European report and in 11% of 453 patients in a Nigerian analysis. For women, the reports ranged from 4.3% in Japan to 26% in Scotland. More recent reports on the rate of positive patch-test results include 17.7% of 5,557 patients from Singapore, 13.1% of 1,141 patients from Germany, 13.8% of 12,058 patients from the Czech Republic, and 17.3% of 10,511 patients from a group of nine European countries. A meta-analysis of 15 years of published data on the T.R.U.E. Test system of patch testing (Mekos Laboratories A/S, Hillerod, Denmark) found that 14.7% of 3,598 patch-tested patients were nickel sensitive» [45, all 14 references of this quotation given in original text].
Thus, our conclusion is indisputable: it is facts of a global phenomenon! Finally, anyone from nickel sensitive people is the potential patient in the first or second line for diabetologist. Our organism signals an allergy and warns by it of possible consequences of toxic influence of ferromagnetic metal on people health. The skin reaction on a nickel is the anxious symptom of modern global toxicosis. It is a common system reaction of our organism.
The food factor is a leading co-trigger for the origin of sugar diabetes and other immune pathology. This information is lacking in publications of any authors [46-48]. The preventive measures must foresee limitation of receipt with food of a nickel. The knowledge of new pre-conditions is very important for the closed contingents (army, hospitals, prisons et cetera), because timely corrections can be brought in a dietetics and in food supply.
We will name feed products, most saturated a nickel: ocean fish, cassava, a cacao-bobs (chocolate!), peanut, coffee, mushrooms, Soya and all bobs and any food on the basis of artificial trans-fats. Thus, it is necessary to mean that vegetarian food from environmentally clean districts is quite harmless, because can not contain to ecotoxicants.
Antagonists are to the nickel. It is vitamins (E, B1 and B12), zinc, calcium, magnesium, chrome, iron, cobalt, copper. The called bio-elements are as quality of natural components in antioxidant preparations, developed by Institute of atherosclerosis of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ( The basic detoxicant for nickel, as well as other tiole poisons, there is calcium. The impoverishment of him in a ration can result also in the toxic-metabolic second cause of origin of sugar diabetes-2, about what it will be told in the next article.
The high prevalence of sugar diabetes-2 in Nauru Republic (also as food factor!) was disclosed stupendous by author of this conception [23]. Vegetables, fruit (cabbage, apples, bow - necessarily and daily) and also seed of sunflower, fig, natural juices, rich to microelements et cetera will be useful to the prevention of intoxication. It is recommended to accept the vitamin-mineral complexes of type as antoxinat. At the same time it is necessary to forbid a sale and distribution of vitamin complexes, containing a nickel, which are produced only in the USA. The unloading days are needed. The author of new conception acknowledges a vital necessity to a bringing of amendments in dietetics. The highest maintenance of the 28th chemical element registers in oceanic fish from the massed contamination of waters of a world ocean.
For the prevention of diabetes, it is necessary to revise attitude toward some vegetarian food – leaders of an accumulation of toxic metal. The nickel is found in two-bits almost in all plants. A reader can familiarize with some stores on author's table, in which information is represented to continents.


The middle concentration of nickel in food products [10, 28, 29, 44]

The name of a food source

Average concentration Ni (mg%)

Region of extraction
or growth

Oceanic fish









Tapioca  (cassava)


Africa, America




Corn (maize)



Runner - string bean





Southern areas







We comment to only the first line of this table. WHO has designated a sugar diabetes situation in Pacific Ocean as the epidemic. Dr. Robyn Toomath – endocrinologist at the Wellington Hospital – says on broadcasting system in April 2, 2008: "Although there are changes in the way Pacific Islanders live in terms of their physical activity, there's huge amounts of evidence to show that it's actually the food we eat which is the main driver of the epidemic. So even though there's a genetic predisposition, the epidemic is undoubtedly related to the change, the environment, but the environment that we've got to tackle, not the genes."
The separate correction is required for every locality of sprouting, because plants grown on environmentally clean soil, can not contain the toxic metal. The role of anthropogenic soiling of Earth and our food in an increase of illness opened. The nickel soiling of an environment and food had exceeded a possible adapting level by half century ago or formerly.

6. New aspects of diabetes endemia
We will name the regions of high endemia of autoimmune (children) diabetes: Finland and Kola peninsula, where a nickel is intensively obtained, Karelia, Adygea, volcanic Virgin Islands, South Ural with Prisursk' region [32, 49], Sardinia, South-Western Australia with its enormous beds of nickeliferous ore, Island of a prince Edward (Canada), England (Wales) and other. The soil of the named Canadian «potato» island has a red-brown tint from plenty of iron and nickel.
The metropolitan isles of England are also a World leader of a prevalence of children sugar illness. The comparative rate-frequency is following among 1000 children (0-17 years): England – 3,4, USA - 1,9, India - 1,3, China – 0,09, Japan – 0,07 [50]. The ground of England's endemic index is not in heredity or in genes. A right reply today is ecology: water, feed and air. Author of this article suggests: let us do search to a toxicant. It is a well-known fact: nickel contained in Wales' coal ashes – 7,8% that is useful for industrial a metal extraction. The soil of Wales and of Metropolis is the same. Meantime, it is a constancy of an obvious endemia of both types of sugar diabetes via a study of a diabetic situation in the world on statistics of WHO and from the numerous literary publications. Many authors give hypothetical conclusions about a fireplace of sugar diabetes, about what told in the book of Doctors Mazovetsky AG and Velikova VK [51]. However, the endemia of sugar diabetes is interpreted by scientists without evidential connection.
The author of these lines set the ecological sources of sugar diabetes for the first time. It was paid regard to here predominance of cases of registration of sugar diabetes at resident in regions with volcanic soil and in the special geochemical provinces, where there was a high per cent of maintenance of ferromagnetic metals in soils. The 28th appeared most pathogenic chemical element was acknowledged by WHO as most dangerous ecotoxicant. It became possible grounded to talk about a trigger of autoimmune pathology only after the study of all enough original properties of nickel and his connections.
Nickel has been shown to cross the placenta, and nickel can accumulate in milk resulting in exposure of the offspring, that confirmed by children diabetes endemia in Finland. Nickel takes the first place as allergen also for 0,5-6,0 year old children [52].
Preliminary conclusion: the secret of origin of sugar diabetes is exposed and the prevention of global illness will become possible.

7. Future effective prevention
The effective prevention of globally making increase of sugar diabetes could not be carried out to the real moment, as reliable sources of illness were not known. But, the new look on a problem was proposed by a lonesome author in him publication [24, 40]. The talk is appropriate about it now, because two principal causes of origin of diabetes were discovered by the author of these lines. However much information about a new looks to etiology of sugar diabetes did not get due distribution yet, therefore a report about scientific news must forestall to preventive recommendations, exposing to aetiology of illness.
Nota bene:
1)    Read restrictive directive recommendations of European Parliament about nickel - № 94/27/ЕС;
2)    Denmark is the first land which forbidden 13 years ago legislative import of food stuff contained the nickel.


The great first way of a nickel poisoning is an anthropogenic soiling by a burn of an organic fuel and per a margarine production etc.
Nickel is dangerous and multi factorial ecotoxicant and trigger of autoimmune pathology. The global nickel toxicosis manifests also as vascular affectations. The latent nickel toxicosis embraced a global spreading, what explains a tendency of an increase of any illness and a monstrosity of newborn children.
The analysis of today’s unfortunate global anthropogenic situation, of an endemic peculiarity of a flora as a food production, of difficult explicable tendencies of an increase of any destructive illness of people including autoimmune reactions and a hypersensitivity reveals a basic source of an environment soiling. The evolution influence of a nickel to a lives world was revealed by V.V. Shudin for the first time in the World. This is also as a menace for a survival of mankind.
The pathogenic and evolutional nickel influence per anthropogenic food factor today is source in origin and progressing of immune pathology including evident global nickel toxicosis, sugar diabetes and cancer.
The nickel is a trigger of endemic children sugar diabetes in regions: West Australia, Finland and Kola peninsula where nickel extracted, Karelia, Adygea, Sardinia Island, Prince Edward isle in Canada, South Ural etc.
New study of global nickel toxicosis is the key for solution of ill problems with tendencies. Attention to today’s 300 million diabetics and statesmen: effective prevention of epidemic disease is possible today! The each diabetic must know why he with diabetes.
Two basic causes of sugar diabetes found finally! This science conception is confirmed also by decoded children diabetes endemia in geochemical regions with relict soil. The prevention of innate anomaly, cancer, sugar diabetes, of  immune and endocrine pathology is possible today through per a diet.


The author of this article express a gratitude to Doctor of medical science professor Aleksey A. Kovganko for method advices and a support of a new science conception.

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