Universidad Nacional Experimental Simуn Rodrнguez, Laboratorio de Biomolûculas, Canoabo, estado Carabobo, Venezuela
Universidad de Carabobo, Centro BioMolP, Naguanagua, estado Carabobo, Venezuela
Эта статья опубликована в сборнике по материалы первой Международной юбилейной конференции «Актуальные проблемы инфектологии и паразитологии», посвященной 110-летию со дня открытия проф. К.Н.Виноградовым сибирской двуустки у человека (2-5 апреля 2001, г. Томск)
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Влияние гиперинвазии мирацидиями Schistosoma mansoni на выживаемость улиток Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818).
В этом исследовании описывается влияние мультизаражения мирацидиями S. mansoni (венесуэльский изолят) на выживаемость улиток BH (Бело Горизонт, Бразилия) вида B. glabrata. Улитки заражались 5, 10 и 15 мирацидиями. Полученные результаты показали, что моллюски, заражённые 5 мирацидиями, могли жить в течение 20-23 недель в отличие от заражённых 10 и 15 мирацидиями. Продолжительность их жизни составляла 13 и 12 недель, соответственно. Инвазированные улитки BH вели себя также, как и улитки Barbula, заражённые мирацидиями S. mansoni. Кривые выживаемости соответствовали друг другу.
ABSTRACT: In this research, the effect of the multiple infections of miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni SM (isolate-Venezuela) on the survival of resistant-snails BH (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) Biomphalaria glabrata is described. The snails were exposed 5, 10 and 15 miracidia. The obtained results hinted that the molluscs which exposed to five miracidia can survive until the 20-23th week. In contrast, to those that were exposed with 10 and 15 miracidia. Their survival was until the 12th and the 13th week respectively. The exposed resistant-snails BH, present a similar behavior to the susceptible-snails Barbula when they were exposed to miracidia SM, according to their obtained survival curves. Maximum values of mortality between the lapse of the prepatent period were observed.
The planorbid snails of genus Biomphalaria are the intermediate hosts of Schistosoma mansoni. They are involucred in the transformation, miracidia-sporocysts-cercariogenesis. However, there are restrictions: biochemical, ecological and immulogical that fall into parasite-mollusk interaction. 5,7,8,10,11 One of the most important aspects on the researching efforts are the complex or contradictory results, like the phenomenon of non-susceptibility which present some natural populations and /or their descending , snails born in the laboratory at the exposed experimentally of miracidia of S. mansoni.3,5,16,17,18 Diverse strategies have described which operate like defense in the intermediate host these include: phagocytes by the haemocytes, cytotoxicity, adherence and destroyed sporocysts. 2,9,15 The purposes of this research was to explore the influence of the hyperinfection of miracidia of S. mansoni (SM, Venezuela) on the refractory snails survival Biomphalaria glabrata BH (Belo Horizonte, Brazil). Whole obtained results were in order to seek new evidences about the nature of their relationship between schistosome and non susceptible snails.
Groups of Biomphalaria glabrata snails of 5-10 mm of diameter were exposed with miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni, which maintained on NMRI mice. The feces was clarified by washing procedures using isotonic saline solution, helping the capture of miracidia13 . The eclosion of the eggs was estimulated during 30 minutes by exposing them to artificial light fountain. Experimental conditions about the infection, evaluation, maintenance of the parasited-snails and controls-snails meet detail described in anterior researches.12,13 Survival reports were carried out weekly, for both controls and parasitized molluscs.
In experiments A, 20 B. glabrata of Brazilian origin (BH, Belo Horizonte) were exposed to five, ten and fifteen miracidia of S. mansoni of Venezuela origin (SM, Carabobo) independent in duplicated.
In experiments B (preliminary), 20 B. glabrata of Brazilian origin (BH, Belo Horizonte) were exposed to five miracidia of S. mansoni of Venezuela origin (SM, Carabobo), which were sacrificed when the fourth week arrived for researching sporocysts presence.
In experiments C, 20 B. glabrata of Venezuela origin (Barbula, Carabobo) were exposed to five miracidia of S. mansoni of Venezuela origin (SM, Carabobo) in duplicated. To the end of this, to seek the evidences in defending the hypothesis of similar patroness of maximum mortality of the BH refractory snails (parasited with isolated SM) at the prepatent period in associations of high compatibility. Which were described before as very susceptible in sympatric association. 4,12,13
In experiments D, 20 B. glabrata of Brazilian origin (BH, Belo Horizonte) were exposed to five miracidia of S. mansoni of Brazilian origin (BH, Belo Horizonte) independent in duplicated (positive control).
In experiments A, C and D were evaluated the cercariae, and the results were expressed like percentages of positive snails in the time, to determine the prepatent period.
The survival curves of B. glabrata (BH) exposed with 5, 10 and 15 miracidia of S. mansoni (SM) are represented in figure 1 (experiment A) respectively. Those that exposed to ten and fifteen miracidia, survived until 12-13th week. A negative influence between the number of miracidia exposed and survival curves of snails-non susceptible was observed. The snails exposed to five miracidia survive up to 20-23 th. week. In contrast to those were exposed to ten and fifteen miracidia which survived until 12-13 week respectively.
Moreover, the total mortality of the host-snails with 10 and 15 miracidia are concentrate between 4-14th week post-infection. In relation to molluscs exposed with five miracidia 50% of them were reduced during the forth and tenth week.
The figure 2 represents the percentage of B. glabrata positive evaluated since the fourth week of infection (experiment C). The observed tendency is a high positively of the snails Barbula which exposed to five miracidia of the isolate SM. It observed that the molluscs begin to eliminate cercariae since the fourth till the thirteenth week in beginning parasitism. The infection dynamic presented a lapse of ten weeks, in comparison with the planorbs, survival curve BH opposite to the SM in the infection with five miracidia is observed (prepatent period). The molluscs population died in 55%. In figure 3 is represented the percentage of B. glabrata (BH) exposed with five miracidia (BH).
In figure 4 is represented the survival curves of B. glabrata exposed with 5 miracidia of S. mansoni, in combination Barbula vs. SM and BH vs. BH.
It has been described the effect of the hyperinfection of miracidia of digenic trematode on the mortality of snails-host. Jourdane in 19836 point out the effect of the mortality of Biomphalaria pfeifferi infected with 10 and 20 miracidia of Echinostoma togonensis. He founds, that the number increase of the infective miracidia influences on the molluscs mortality. This author reported that the infected populations with 10 and 20 miracidia, the molluscs reduced their survival in a 50% among the 6-7th and 5-6th week respectively. These results demonstrated that effectively, increases of the infectives miracidia population play an important roll in the infectious dynamic. The effect of hyperinfection is interpreted like a phenomenon of acceleration in the course of prepatent period, assuming that, in the phase where occurred the maximum mortalities of snails. In other digenea trematodes, the associations have presented equal behavior. Lymnae gedrosiana infected by Ornithobilharzia turkestanicum and Oncomelania hupensis exposed from Schistosoma japonicum .6,10
The results pointed out in this research, let infer that the studied molluscs are refractories because no cercariae are produced and high mortality rate is observed in Figure 1; the dynamic of mortality behaves as if is a good association. This phenomena is explained at the biochemical, physiological and morphological levels of intermediary host that produce death of snails.1,13,14 The found results defend the evidences that the prepatent period of parasitcs are surpose to the intermediary-host mortality inclusive in low compatibility associations. This phenomenon is evidenced in the parallel experiments did in the Barbula infections opposite SM, in which the elimination of cercariae (4-13 week) coincide with the maximum snails mortalities of BH (Figure 2, experiment C) and in experiment D (positive control) in which elimination of cercariae is observed during octave week to post-infection (Figure 3, experiment D).
We express our sincere thanks to Mr. Ysrael Mбrquez is who professor at the Simуn Rodrнguez University, because of his English translation of the manuscript. The technical assistance of Beatriz Moy, Senecio Rivas, Claudia Roman, Josй Castellanos and Jorge Lopez is gratefully achnowledgments.
In the same association, but with parasitical loads of 10 and 15 miracidia, in that same period of time the mortality is almost total. Which indicate that in spite of that the snails BH didn’t get eliminate cercariae, the development of atrophied sporocysts occurred. This fact was confirmed when snails-parasitic (BH vs. SM) and aften of four weeks they were detected atrophied aspect.
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Figure 1.(Experiment A) 20 B. glabrata snails-resistent (BH) were exposed to 5 ¦, 10 ♦ and 15 •, miracidia S.mansoni
(SM) in duplicated.
Figure 2. (Experiment C) 20 B. glabrata (Barbula) were exposed 5 miracidia of S.mansoni (SM)
Figure 3. (Experiment D) 20 B. glabrata (BH) were exposed 5 miracidia of S.mansoni (BH)
Figure 4. (Experiment D) 20 B. glabrata were exposed to 5, miracidia S. mansoni
(Barbula vs SM and BH vs BH) in duplicated