Laboratorio de Biomoleculas, Universidad Simуn Rodrнguez, Nъcleo Canoabo, Municipio Canoabo, Carretera Nacional Bejuma-Urama, Estado Carabobo, Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Laboratorio BioMolp, Universidad de Carabobo, Naguanagua, Estado Carabobo, Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Эта статья опубликована в сборнике по материалы первой Международной юбилейной конференции «Актуальные проблемы инфектологии и паразитологии», посвященной 110-летию со дня открытия проф. К.Н.Виноградовым сибирской двуустки у человека (2-5 апреля 2001, г. Томск)
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Изменение величины Biomphalaria glabrata при заражении Schistosoma mansoni
S. mansoni проходит часть своего жизненного цикла в промежуточном хозяине улитках семейства Planorbidae. Biomphalaria glabrata один из наиболее важных промежуточных хозяев шистосом. В этой статье приводятся данные об изменении размеров B. glabrata (Barbula, Венесуэла), заражённых мирацидиями S. mansoni (SM паразитами, обитающими в штате Carabobo, Венесуэла). Улиток группировали по трём размерам: 1 класс (5-8 мм), 2 класс (>8-11 мм) и 3 класс (> 11-14 мм). Каждая улитка заражалась 5 мирацидиями индивидуально. Процент восприимчивости составил: 1 класс - 88,89%, 2 класс - 11,54% и 3 класс - 8,33%. Корреляционный анализ показал отсутствие связи между величиной промежуточного хозяина и продукцией церкариев.
Schistosoma mansoni develops part of its life cycle in intermediate host snails of the family Planorbidae. Biomphalaria glabrata is one of the most important intermediate host species. This paper reports the influence of size of Biomphalaria glabrata (Bбrbula, Carabobo estate, Venezuela) were exposed to miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni (SM parasite, origin of Carabobo state, Venezuela). Snails batches (20, B. glabrata in duplicate) of three different diameter: class I (5-8 mm), class II (>8-11 mm) and class III (>11-14 mm) were exposed individually with five miracidia. The susceptibility percentage present were: class I 88.89%, class II 11.54% and class III 8.33%. The correlation analysis indicated a not relation between the size of host-intermediary and cercarial production.
Key Words: Biomphalaria glabrata, Schistosoma mansoni, susceptibility, size, Venezuela.
Schistosoma mansoni perform part of its biological cycle on Planorbid snails of the genus Biomphalaria. Such a association is restricted by ecological, biochemical, geographical and population .1,2,3,5,11,12
It has been described that genetic and nutritional factors modulate the good or bad association between snails and parasitic. Other trials have showed that the age of the intermediary host is a very important factor in the infectious dynamic, due to the younger host snails are more susceptible than the others. 8,9,10,13 Richards et al in 199213 determinated four category of hospedere-intermediate in relation to response differences of susceptibily: Type I, not-susceptibility of snails in whole life. Type II, juvenile susceptibility/ not-susceptibility when adults. Type III, susceptibily of snails in whole life. Type IV, young susceptibility/ variable adults.
Researches have evidenced the roll of ontogenic in relation to cellular responses of host-intermediate snails, demonstrating that juvenile moluscs present a high valor of positive. The dynamic of immulogical relation between intermediate-host and parasitic involves different strategies: cellular defense and humoral response by snails, encapsulation and destruction of primary sporocyst and phagocytosis of the miracidia.1,4,11
In this work, it is described the influence of size of Biomphalaria glabrata on the values of infectivity and the cercarial liberation dynamic when they are experimentally confronted with isolated of Schistosoma mansoni, proceeding from common geographical area (Carabobo state, Venezuela).
Protocols experimental. Groups (20 in duplicated) of Biomphalaria glabrata snails of three different shell diameter: class I (5-8 mm), class II (>8-11 mm) and class III (>11-14 mm) were exposed individually with five miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni, which maintained on NMRI mice. The feces was clarified by washing procedures using isotonic saline solution, helping the capture of miracidia13 . The eclosion of the eggs was stimulated during 30 minutes by exposing them to artificial light fountain. Experimental conditions about the infection, evaluation, maintenance of the parasited-snails and controls-snails meet detail described in anterior researches.12,13 Survival reports were carried out weekly, for both controls and parasitized molluscs. They were marked with color code up one to five, using different colors of nail paint.
Statistical analysis. Data was submitted to one-way analysis of variance (p<0.05). Whenever significance was found, the Tunkey test was applied at the same level of significance (p<0.05).
Geographic origin of isolated and molluscs. The insulating SM was obtained of patient native of Guacara, Carabobo state, Venezuela.4 The molluscs Barbula are breeding stablishished in Naguanagua, Carabobo state, Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela 8. The all studied snails were created in the laboratory besides three generations.
Total number of emissions cercarial. Were carried through registers of the total numbers of eliminate cercariae for each snails 8,9.
In Table 1, the susceptibility percentage obtained to the different shell diameter (mm) of the molluscs Bбrbula, exposed with five miracidia are observed. It observed that 88.89% (size I); 11.54% (size II) and 8.33% (size III) respectively. Statistical analysis reveleated significantive differences between groups (p*0.05). The comparison of mean (Tukey, p *0.05), confirm that the class I is more susceptible to the experimental infection than the rest of studied size (there are not significant differences between II and III). In relation to the prepatencia, it was observed that to the class I was positive beginning the fourth week post-exposition; unlike the class II and III had emissions of cercariae after five weeks (figure 2, 3 and 4).
Table 1.
Influence of size of B. glabrata (Barbula) were exposed of S. mansoni (SM)
Class |
Shell diameter (mm) |
Susceptibility |
I |
5-8 |
88,89a |
II |
8-11 |
11,54b |
11-14 |
8,33b |
Means with the same letter are not significantly different (Tukey, p <0 .05)
The survival curves are expressed in figure 1. It is observed a definitive tendency in three studied size, with a 50% of died molluscs among the sixth and ninth week. It was not detected mortality in association to molluscs shell diameter.
The figure 2, 3 and 4 represents the percentage of positive B. glabrata evaluated since the fourth week of infection. The observed tendency is a high positively of the snails Barbula class I which exposed to five miracidia of the isolated SM. It observed that the molluscs begin to eliminate cercariae since the fourth till the 11th week at the beginning of parasitism (figure 2).The figure 3 and 4 shows minor tendency positively of the molluscs class III and class III respectively.
The total number of eliminated cercariae for every animal was variable, from 2 till 1201. It was carried out a regression and correlation analysis to estimate the possible relation between the total number of eliminated cercariae and the mollusc size. From this analysis is emitted that does not exist the significant relation between these two variables (Y:-37.47X+23.03 r:+ 0.45)

Figure 1. 20 B.glabrata (Barbula) of diferents shell diameter exposed to 5 miracidia SM in duplicated.
class I ♦ ¦ class II • - class III ≡ •
Figure 2. 20 B.glabrata (Barbula) class I (5-8mm) exposed to 5 miracidia SM.
Figure 3. 20 B.glabrata (Barbula) class II (>5-8mm) exposed to 5 miracidia
Figure 4. 20 B.glabrata (Barbula) class III (>11-14mm) exposed to 5 miracidia
According to the different experiences, the different size of B. glabrata, showed differential patroness in the cellular reply of the molluscs due to the infection of S. mansoni with association to the age, the research demonstrated that the ontogeny determine and agree the molluscs cellular reply to the infection, proving that the younger are less refractory than the older .10,13 The retardations in the ripeness periods of sporocyst produce quantitative variations in cercarial production, modulated by the interaction molluscs-parasite. The percentage of susceptibily were exposed in Table 1. This support the hypothesis that the bigger molluscs present lower percentage of infection and they are more retarded to the sporocyst ripeness. Other authors point out that the infection is determined by the number of settled miracidia that create the primary sporocyst which are the responsible of creating the cercariae. 10 The dynamics of cercariae populations presented in this research are similar to the described by others authors, both in natural environment and the laboratory (Figure 2, 3 and 4). They point out that this behavior is product of the ripeness of the primary and secondary sporocyst, with the adaptive finality to keep a cercarial cycle and the vertebrate host infection. 6,15,16,18 It was not the determinated influence between the eliminate cercariae number and the snail size.
In relation to survival curves, it was not observed a definitive tendency between the influence of size on its hope of life. Independently of the diameter, the lost presented a 50% of survival between the sixth and ninth week post-infection. In independently experiments were detected atrophied sporocyst (date no publicized). Which explain the molluscs mortality that did not emit cercariae. The infection dynamic is so complex. Some authors point out that the delay of growing is the product of the physiological and biochemical changes which were originated of the interaction parasite-molluscs.9,17 Some experiences point out that the refractivity associated to the molluscs age and/or the presence of lines no susceptible in other condition of the intermediary-host life shows a molecular component 14
In conclusion, this study adds evidences 10 in relations to the influence of shell diameter on susceptibility of B. glabrata which were exposed to S. mansoni miracidia. This is an important factor in the dynamic relation host-intermediate parasitic.
We express our sincere thanks to Mr. Ysrael Mбrquez who is professor at the Simуn Rodrнguez University, because of his English translation of the manuscript.
The technical assistance of Beatriz Moy, Senecio Rivas, Claudia Roman, Josй Castellanos and Jorge Lopez is gratefully achnowledgments.
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